What is the meaning of life?


I understand the meaning not actually we live to die I played minecraft again last time but then I thought about why I play I know what I want to achieve and expect me

And that's how it is in life, we have a little bit of fun, we buy things, we fall in love and then we just die



The meaning of life is that it has no particular meaning. Because if it made sense, it would be like a task that we would always strive to accomplish. Everyone determines their own meaning. This is my personal opinion.


I find it good!


Yes makes sense, it is just reproduction that people continue to develop.


The point is to live. If you sit in the room all day and think that what you are doing is meaningless, then you are simply not living life properly. Most people don't dare to do that either, because it's risky to live the way you want to. The "system" urges people to live what they don't want to live. That's why you do things that feel senseless, because in truth you may want to live a completely different life.

I hope you can understand that because I'm tired and I'm trying to give the text ^^


There's no point I would say. We just tend to think too much and interpret something that isn't at all. We're supposed to be tested or have to pass an exam to get into the supposed sky. All nonsense, they just ponder too much. No other living thing thinks as much as we think. They just live and we should do it too. There's no it could be either way, also no sense except nonsense😂 really all are senseless speculation 😊


According to the following scriptures, the meaning of our life is to build a friendship with God and live happily ever after on earth:

Genesis 2:15 15 And Jehovah God then took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to cultivate it and take care of it.

Ecclesiastes 12:13 13 The conclusion after hearing everything is: Fear the [true] God and keep his commandments. Because that is the whole of man.

Psalm 25:14 14 A close friendship is made by Jehovah with those who are in awe of him, and he makes them familiar with his covenant.

Micah 6: 8 8 He told you, O earth man, what is good. And what does Jehovah ask of you as a right to practice and to love goodness and to walk modestly with your God?

Isaiah 48: 17-18 17 This is what Jehovah your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, said: "I, Jehovah, is your God, who teaches you for your benefit, who lets you step on the road whom you ought to walk. 18 Oh, if only you paid attention to my commandments, your peace would become like a stream and your righteousness like the waves of the sea.

Matthew 22: 37-38 37 He said to him: "'You shall love Jehovah your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38 This is the greatest and first commandment. 39 The second, like it, is this: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'

Psalm 37: 10-11 10 And only a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more; And you will surely look around for his place and he will not be there. 11 But the meek will possess the earth, and they will really have their bliss in the fullness of peace.

Revelation 21: 3-4 3 Then I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Look! God's tent is with men, and he will be with them, and they will be his people. And God himself will be with them 4 And he will wipe every tear from her eyes, and there will be no more death, nor will there be sadness, nor shouting, nor pain. The earlier things have passed. "

In this context, take a look at the www Biblical word pool de under the keyword Plan for the answer to this question:

What is God's plan for earth and man?

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My opinion on the meaning, maybe this will help you:

Of course you can have fun. You can do useful things, e.g. B. Help people, be there for others, work for the environment or donate money. I sit down e.g. For fair trade.

I'm christ. Many people believe that God gives meaning to life. God loves you. If you want to know something that convinces me that there's God and life after death, you can e.g. Questions or go to my profile. I'm therefore of the opinion that death is not all over.


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