Minecraft server inexplicable server laggs?

- in Plugins

I own a Minecraft server with about 10 players daily. Today we switched from a game server to a vServer in the hope that the laggs will stop. Now I have a vServer with 10 cores and 10 GB of RAM. Of these, perhaps half will be consumed. Well, there are still some delay laggs on where you can, for example. Back bows. My TPS is also always stable at 19.77 and rarely falls to 18.97. That's why these laggs are inexplicable to me. I have 56 plugins on the server and host at mchost24.

Does anyone have an idea how to get rid of the laggs?


I can only agree with justTOin. What are all these plugins, with a single Spigot server? 15-30 I would still understand a maximum, but 56?

Maybe you should look for plug-ins that offer multiple functions bundled.


That's not enough for a server most of them have 70 plugins around the shoot


Aha. What are all these plugins?


Could be really true to the plugins.
The number ansich is already high. But since there are so many, I assume that you did not develop it yourself.
Could I well imagine that there are a few plugins incompatible, some are programmed inexperienced, etc.


In which version is the server? Spigot 1.13.2 currently has e.g. Generally struggling with performance problems. Especially since most plugins do not fully support 1.13.

Basically, there are usually 2 sources, with your problems:

One or more plugins make the laggs because they are badly programmed or outdated
A new part of a world is being generated or updated to a newer version

Of course, since you're talking back, it could just be an anti-cheat plugin that goes wrong. With 56 plugins you are of course at a disadvantage, otherwise I would suggest to deactivate all plugins and piecewise always one to activate and find the possible culprit.

Another option would be to use one of the myriad ServerInfo / Monitor plugins (for example, LagMonitor) to find possible perofmance eaters. If you can deal with / timings, the spigot command could also help you: https://www.spigotmc.org/...i/timings/

~ Sprax2013