Do I just need a new graphics card for more FPS?


I want to upgrade my PC so that I have more FPS in PC games. At the moment I have about 25 FPS in Minecraft and that is extremely stressful for a PC. But what do you want to say. Sometimes it takes up to 2 minutes for the browser to open.

I want to know: What do I have to do to get my PC faster or get more FPS?


should I buy a new PC right away? (If possible a link for a good PC)

Do I just need a new graphics card for more FPS

Retrofitting would only make sense if the rest of the processor and RAM were still good enough, but if it takes 2 minutes to open the browser, that is probably not the case. Therefore, a new PC is the better choice. How much money could you spend?


We don't know anything about your pc…

after the benchmarks in Minecraft and your browser, it looks more like a new pc is needed


Here is the most common answer or question about upgrading:

What kind of hardware do you have there anyway? 3

=> CPU, graphics card, mainboard, RAM, HD, SSD (?), Screen resolution, power supply (performance, brand and name [=> look in the case]), operating system (Win? With 32, or 64bit)

You can also take a screenshot of Speccy's main window and attach it to your question as a picture. Or use an image uploader.

Some hardware is already so outdated that no upgrade would really make sense. Perhaps you can optimize a little with small measures, but that wouldn't be expedient either.

Then only a complete upgrade or a completely new computer will help.

But we need the requested basic data for this.

Which games do you want to play now and which (possibly) in the future?


Please name the data of your current PC.


I'm always amazed that many questioners are stingy with information. It has been known for tens of years what information is needed to be able to help. In the meantime, I have no understanding to point it out again and again and to request the data. If the questioner does not provide any information that is important, I will not answer in the future.



The graphic is the point. May like to cost 250 euro. That is enough for normal mortals.

(Professionals in conventions spend up to 1200 euro.)


The CPU simply pushes its data onto the graphics. She tells her what to calculate. The actual work does the graphics.

Whatever is worth it… A better monitor. Now costs nothing more… 200 euro?

You keep it for 10 years. You can't go wrong with Samsung or Acer. This investment is always worthwhile.


Have you ever looked at the "subject areas" of this questioner?

That explains a lot…: - /

I only did this afterwards.

I think I should create ready-made text modules so that I can respond to such inquiries with standard sentences.

But if nothing comes back, or only in drops, then I lose interest in wanting to help further.


Added a screenshot in the question!


I added a screenshot to the question


There's a lack of…

Performance-oriented CPU (yours is Garbage)


graphic card

and SSD

Recommendation next to the NEW installation of Windows…

Intel i5-2400 or 2500… Approx. 25 euro

8GB RAM… Approx. 15 euro

Graphics card… At least GTX 750ti… Used about 40 euro

SSD… 120/250 GB… Approx. 23 euro / 43 euro


ALTERNATIVE… New PC, fulfills more than your requirement



I found the manual for this mainboard.

The i5-2500 can still be used in conjunction with a GTX 1050ti (4GB).

With FullHD, a 750ti (2GB) is completely overwhelmed, at least in games.

The ram would have to be exchanged completely for 2x 8GB (2 slots).

And an SSD is an absolutely logical step.

This would very likely make the system "usable" for another 2-3 years. If you don't want to play anything too demanding on it.

And meanwhile you can save on something "current" (from 800 euro upwards…).

I once looked for the necessary components for upgrading:





So Minecraft would be excellent. (=> over 60FPS at FullHD)

And there are still a lot of games that would also be playable. Possibly. You have to make a few cuts due to the FullHD monitor.

A game source that I like to mention here is


There's a lack of…

Performance-oriented CPU (yours is Garbage)


graphic card

and SSD

Recommendation next to the NEW installation of Windows…

Intel i5-2400 or 2500… Approx. 25 euro

8GB RAM… Approx. 15 euro

Graphics card… At least GTX 750ti… Used about 40 euro

SSD… 120/250 GB… Approx. 23 euro / 43 euro

ALTERNATIVE… New PC, fulfills more than your requirement



But unfortunately only the cheapest stuff and partly outdated technology is installed there.

A320 chipset? Just a cheap SSD, but no HD?

The 1x 8GB (3000Mhz) are not particularly efficient, but with only 2 slots you can at least add more.

And it should be a motherboard with a B450 chipset.

My listing is exactly the components that you mentioned yourself earlier. I only exchanged the graphics card for a suitable model.

Also, I hadn't written for nothing on the subject of new PCs: "800 euro upwards".

Until then, a system with such retrofitted components would still be usable. And later still suitable as a second computer (for the "office").