Minecraft lighting to prevent mobs from spawning?


How much lighting does it need, for example. A 20x20 room so that no mobs spawn, because I don't want to clap everything with torches or something and exact details would be helpful. Unfortunately I didn't find anything on Google. Please send a source or explain it in detail.


It's best to look at F3. The light level should be visible somewhere. Mobs can spawn once it's 6 or lower. So just put as many as possible so that this doesn't happen. ^ _ ^


It is difficult to explain, but you always have to leave 6 blocks in the diagonal on a flat surface in order to minimize the number of torches. I have enclosed a video below for clarification.


If you want inconspicuous lighting, I would recommend building Glowstone in the floor and laying it on this carpet, so that you have a light that is easily cushed

How much lighting do you need

Enough. Done, there's no calculation for that. Either mobs will spawn or you don't want them to spawn.

Alternatively, you can replace the floor with nonspawnable blocks, e.g. Stone slabs, but then it's pretty dark


This is wrong.


Do you play on the bedrock edition. Then you can simply use a command to hollow light blocks. Light blocks are invisible glowing blocks.

/ give light_block 64 15

64 = the number of blocks 15 = the light level (in this case the highest)


No, there's no calculation

You can clearly implement the factor spacing, with a key combination F4+ no plan you can also display the emergency spawnproof blocks

He says that he doesn't want to place a thousand flaws, I take this into account here, which is why you can put "this is wrong" anywhere else. I go according to the most comfortable principle, work smarter not harder

I'm already wondering


You idiot


What kind of Larry are you, I'm sorry that I have more experience. You just have a lot to learn, it seems. Torch distances were only relevant in 2015 at the most. Anyone who wants to do without flaws today builds smart, for example with Glowstone, Redstone lanterns or decorative blocks.

Just learn a little more, don't be so childish and call people who know more than you do not as "idiot"


Okay sorry


Press F7 then you know. X should appear there. If they are red, mobs can spawn, but yellow Xs should also be illuminated