What are Minecraft Server cores for?

- in Servers

Hello people what is there for Minecraft Server CPU cores, or what do the cores do?

Because you can select the cores eg at Minehub and not on MC-Host 24. Will open a big server and I wonder who is better suited, MC host or Minehub?


A big server brings you nothing at first, because you will not have that many players directly. So it does not matter


Ne have a very large community, that's why.


The CPU cores determines the performance of the server. The more CPU cores you have, the better. One has to imagine that every single job, such as Mineralreichs server start, CPU consumed. The more CPU cores you have, the smoother the server is because it has more power.


I thought it comes on because Ram, the more ram the more fluid…


Of course, but the Ram is the permanent memory, that is, if you have 3 servers running, then this may consume 3 GB Ram. Docj to start the server is not the ram but the CPU needed.


Ah ok but is it true that Minehub pber provides 1 thousand cores and Minehub only 12 cores?


The 1000 CPU cores may refer to the whole hardware of the company. If Mc-host 24 100 servers have provided the total of 1000 CPU cores. At Minehub then 1 server only has 12 cores.


Ah ok and how many cores would you have at MC Host 24? Because man can't select that eg:.


I recommend you LivingBots. In my opinion, they have the best and most powerful servers.


And why should you own the best and most powerful server?


The problem is the LivingBots max. 18 GB Ram, and that is just enough for 200 players, but it will soon play a few thousand and there I need so min. 100GB Ram.


Many users who had multiple providers always said that LivingBots had the best servers. They also have one of the best ddos protections. (First Colo)


Ka what that means, Ddos-Protections "but I still have the ram a problem, I just need a reliable hoster.


LivingBots is the best in my opinion!