After joining my Minecraft cmd server Internet crashes and ip4 address changes?

- in Servers

I made a Minecraft cmd server and a few seconds after joining the internet crashed. After restarting the router, the internet works again and my back numbers of my ip4 address change and I have to correct my ip4 again in the router settings for port 25565. If you start the server again and go up, the same thing happens again.

What I've already done: restart the PC, just wait a few hours and reinstall the server

Server gets 8gb ram from me


Is your ip address publicly visible? Incidentally, that with the other is normal and happens every 24 hours or more


I think by "ipv4" he means the local IP address.

The other one can't "correct" as he says.


First, how much RAM does your PC have?

Second, your internet connection has dual stack or DS-Lite…

Third, please leave the firewall on, this is not the fault…

Do you use a VPN? (= Hamachi)


First: 32gb

Second: DS-Lite

Third: I don't use a VPN


So, since you have DS-Lite, you can forget about hosting over Ipv4 altogether.

Your external IPv4 is not available - why: Google DS-Lite…

But you can host over IPv6 … It works, I'll do it too. I only have DS-Lite, but hardly use ipv4 any more because IPv6 is much easier.

Same way, also with router release (works in the router as a firewall) and your internal IP is no longer there, it's an external one…


So just don't use the public ipv4 address, but the ipv6?


Yes… The port must of course be activated for this IP in the router…