DDOS protection + DDNS?

- in Servers

Since I have a Raspberry with a web and Minecraft server in my home, I wanted to find out how the protection against DDOS attacks works.

I'm currently operating the Raspberry via Strato with a domain, but without protection.

How is it possible that I'm Sagittarius? I can also like the? Provider? Change provider of the domain.


So far, I've had a very good experience with Cloudflare, because the protection is free for home users.

You also get a certificate from them free of charge. All you need is a real domain, which is entered there.

Otherwise there would be DDOS-Guard, which is also free for home users, but it is a bit more complicated to set up.

That would have protected your web server. Minecraft Server I'm not sure, unless you manage to bend the Minecraft port to port 443 or 80. An NGINX reverse proxy would help.


Hmm okay thanks.
I can now find no option for DynamicDNS on the fast with Cloudflare.