Hi, wanted to ask how the command for TNT arrows works in Minecraft 1.16.5 Java.
You have to put 2 command blocks on top of each other (you get them with "/ give @s command_block") the lower cmd block has to look up with the arrows to the next cmd block.
You do both on "repeat" in German "repeat" and in the lower cmd block you enter "execute at @e [type = arrow, nbt = {inGround: 1b}] run summon minecraft: tnt" and enter the upper block "kill @e [type = minecraft: arrow, nbt = {inGround: 1b}]"!
Have fun with your Tnt bow.
Unfortunately it doesn't work, (yes, I did one / in front of both cmds)) =
Please put a screenshot of the two command blocks here, then maybe I can help you
Then do that / away. In a command block you do not need a / in front of a command.
Okay, okay, thank you very much
Please, I'm happy that I could help ^^
its killing the arrows before they explode how do stop that