Ready PC for 500 euro?


I have 500 euro together until Christmas and want to buy a finished pc on which I can play minecraft. And can stream. Fortnite also gamble but stream without streaming How many fps would I have when playing minecraft with streaming sends me the left of finished pcs for 500 euro


With screen and operating system mouse etc. Or just a PC? This is important

But generally buy used at only 500


That won't do anything with the budget. In any case, nothing sensible and already finished.


So I would still save something because 500 euro are very meager for your project, I'd rather save up to 700-800 then something reasonable will come out


Good evening monitor mouse and computer I have already ordered (200 euro) in total now only the pc falls


Ah ok then yes

Give a 4 month new video from hardware council July is good on YouTube times 400 euro gaming pc 2020

Pick out the parts and assemble them for 100 euro


What finished for 500 euro?

clearly no, you don't get anything for that.

possibly, but really possibly and if you have contacts, you could build something together, build it yourself! But even there the costs rise to 700 euro, perhaps to 800 euro.


The system here would then come into question.

However, this makes streaming rather critical.