How good would Minecraft be on my laptop?

- in Textures

In the picture you can see the data to my laptop.

And I would then synonymous with a texture pack if that works, and vlt a few minor mods. But the question is, would it then run well on my laptop, so synonymous with small mods?

How good would Minecraft be on my laptop

The part does not have a dedicated graphics chip. Normal Minecraft will likely be reasonably playable with OptiFine and low settings, but with mods or a texture pack over 16x16 it will be critical.


But yes, I do not know how to do that, especially because you do not want to save a little money or build or buy a PC yourself. Look here or you call me a budget and I'll put you together


I'm more of the console player anyway. But few games on my laptop would be nice too


What is OptiFine?


A mod that can significantly improve the performance of Minecraft and adds a few graphical features.


I was able to play Minecraft smoothly with a similar laptop at the lowest settings.
Mods and texture packs are not possible.


Do you need a good PC for this mod?


As if no texture packs go… I would play anyway with Sphax Texture


Basically no, the primary goal is to improve performance. With OptiFine you can also polish the look of Minecraft (which of course costs performance), but you do not have to use these functions.


Then buy it and try it out…

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