How to get turtle eggs in Minecraft


How to get turtle eggs in Minecraft


You need seagrass that you can get underwater with a pair of scissors, the easiest way is to mate 2 turtles then make the turtle eggs


What can I use to reduce it?


You need ANY tool with care and min. Two turtles.

Then you bring the turtles ready to mate by feeding both of them with seaweed (you can also get this with care or a pair of scissors when cutting seaweed).
Then you follow the pregnant turtle. She will go ashore at some point, digging wildly in the sand and laying 1-4 eggs there. You can then reduce this with the caution tool.

You can hatch the eggs by placing them in a place of your choice (but I think it must be sand). Doesn't have to be surrounded by water. Every night at 3 a.m., the eggs get one more crack step. But be careful… The eggs have many enemies and are very fragile. I tried to hatch one myself in my base. It's harder than you think.


A tool with a delicacy enchantment.