I often hear from my friends that I have very weird keybinds in Minecraft and they are really weird compared to the others.
So I sneak on V, look around on 5 and chat on R.
But now back to my question, do you also have such extraordinary keybinds or does one of your friends have such strange keybinds? And what are they like then?
It greets you
a confused one
Don't find your keybinds exceptional other than sneaking on v
Many, actually all of my friends still have their keybinds set to normal, i.e. Chat at T and look around at F5
I have "F5" on R, sprinting on my mouse and everything else on default. Optifine zoom to V
I think that's normal
The normal keybinds are also germ problem but I have the bar at the bottom 9 + 8 on the thumb key so that I can hotkeyn faster
For me, placing is left-click and attacking is right-click.
Left-handed mouse or used to another game?
Relatively normal except that i move around town with wasd with the arrow keys.
Hugo, is it you?
I have normal keybinds. The only thing I have changed is opening the command line (chat with directly set /) on the Z key.
My brother used to adjust that before I started playing, so I got used to it from the start and just didn't change it
Eig Normal but the Inv Slots 1 and 2 on the thumb buttons I can only recommend xD