What were these old Minecraft movies called Youtuber?


There were 2 people who Minecraft "movies" with a certain story uploaded to Youtube circa 2011-2012. One of the characters played a character who was rather stupid and often liked to pick flowers. I think that the "stupider" from time to time has always been a little bit crazier. The other person had to run after him often, so he does not build nonsense.

In later episodes, a girl came to believe, which was the girlfriend of one of the characters.

Unfortunately, I can't think of any more, but I've been looking for a good hour since I'm really on a nostalgic trip lol.


Unfortunately it was not, thank you anyway.


Is their channel randomly called 2pixelbreit? Would fit in time.


Unfortunately not, but thank you.


Too bad… I'll go ahead and comment here then a small list of YouTubern I found.


Many Thanks.


Hied the advertised list:

Minefilms, MrcreativeIV, Rebirthed Redstone, HDGamingDE, Paper Product, Beyonddreams.

Unfortunately, I did not find any more. I hope the channel is there, otherwise: Good luck with your research.


Unfortunately, none of them was, I think so slowly that their videos do not exist anymore.

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