How can I download my Minecraft?


I bought Minecraft for PC on Amazon in 2013. 2 x code on Amazon. I still have the codes. I used to register and redeem everything with Mojang. Now a few years have passed and I bought a new PC and thought to myself, come on, play another round of Minecraft. I spent hours looking for where to download my Minecraft. Somehow talking code that was ka. I had a lot of emails back then. I could find 4 emails related to Mojang and Minecraft. Have 4 accounts on Mojang. I've logged in to everyone and I'm on the city page at the top right at Account and then redeem code. There was no Minecraft to download anywhere. As it stood I didn't buy it. Can I do something with the codes somehow? Or how can I find my Minecraft.

I would be happy to receive answers.


Press on minecraft since get minecraft there you can then download the launcher and log in with your mojang acc


OK. Wait, I'll do that. I'll write to you again in a moment.


I'm coming to buy Minecraft


Have All well wait


You have to be logged in with your acc


I'm in the launcher and have now signed up with an email. Now it says play the demo and buy it right now


Are you sure that you are logged in with an account where you have minecraft? I have no other idea


That's the problem.

I can now check my 4 emails where it could be. I'll call you right back


Above are generic terms. Games, installations, skins, changelist. For installations it says. Latest full version… Is that this one? Not if that's a demo


I found it. I logged into the launcher using the correct email.