With GTX 1080 only 100 FPS in Minecraft - what now?


In spite of a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080, Minecraft only has between 50 and 500 FPS, but the latter value is rare. Both in singleplayer as well as in multiplayer.

If I now see that the whole Let's player already had over 1,000 FPS years ago, when there was not such a graka yet, that pisses me off.

I'm also Let's-Player and would like to play with Shader, but then I only have 30 FPS or less.

Although I have changed some of the graphics settings in Minecraft, but also with the default settings, I had the same FPS values.

How do I get to my almost 2,000 FPS? My friend with the GTX 1080 TI has almost as much.

My remaining system: Intel Core i7 8700, 16 GB RAM, 128 GB SSD, 2 TB HDD (MC is installed on it).

And how can I reset the graphics settings to default? Would like to try again, even if it probably brings nothing.


To answer your question:

- how many Hz does your monitor have?

- what do you get so much fps?


Still, 30 FPS are not normal for a 1080.


To have a few more fps than the monitor can output is good but at 1000fps at 60hz is enough


Hertz has my monitor 60.
Well, over 150 FPS bring me nothing, because you're right. My problem is rather that the game relatively often staggers around at 80-120 FPS. And somehow the FPS in Minecraft are different than in other games. In Far Cry 5, for example, I get super bright with 45 FPS (all fluid), but in Minecraft it looks mega laggy. Even 80 FPS does not seem really fluid, although I have anyway only a 60-Hertz monitor.
I would also like to play with Shader and so I have only 30 FPS (extremely laggy) and I think if I had 1,000 FPS without a shader, I would have at least 60 or so with Shader.


Yes, that is already clear. But first wanted to know why he needed 2,000 fps.



Did you delete the .minecraft folder in the% appdata% folder?

Is everything in performance in the settings?

Did you install optifine? (that's what makes most of the fps)


No not yet. So delete the folder and then what? Do I have to reinstall the game?

Do you mean at graphics settings?

And I have installed OptiFine, yes. ^^ Without OptiFine I have again a few FPS.


Nice troll attempt.


¬If you deleted .minecraft, you just have to reinstall the versions, so all worlds etc. Are gone then.

¬jap, in graphics settings

¬which version of optifine?

¬ Try out LabyMod.

¬Is this also the case with other versions?


Maybe that:



With shaders only 30? Have a GTX 750Ti and a relatively old i5+ 6GB Ram and I ran MC with this Sonic ethers shader or whatever that was always called 40-50FPS

Should definitely have more…