Would you play with a minor?


I wanted to ask you out of interest if you would play with minors (or kiddies). No matter what game (eg Minecraft, Fortnite but also games like GTA 5 or Call of Duty). But I do not mean the minors who always want to annoy and or kill one, but the nice ones


I do not have a problem with it. As long as he's nice and not screaming like many FIFA players (no Hate!) I do not care. But if you already have 2 nephews and 1 niece, that must be so…


Of course if you can talk to them well and they behave mature.


Of course, age does not matter when gambling. I had kept that in my clan, so no age limit (the behavior must fit). I think it's wrong to ban someone, just because he's not the right age, he / she can still be a nice person.