Too jealous because he's playing with someone else?


I'll be back here too and need your advice… I fell in love with a boy (if anyone read my previous post, it's the same boy). I'm 100% sure now that I love him. He also gives clear signs and is already talking as if we were together at some point. We now also talk a lot about sex and how we'd like to be together. But what is not possible because of Corona. Still haven't met him, but now I know what he looks like.

We talk every couple of days and often use the phone at night. He said that he can talk to me for hours what he would not be able to do with others and that he can never be mad at me or anything. We often write with our hearts and he often addresses me by nicknames. Just like me.

But now he met a girl again through Minecraft over a month ago. She is a year older than him and should be a bit unstable. She must have fallen in love with him and after him like anything else. They play Minecraft together every day. Although he hasn't played Minecraft with me for months.

At first I was very jealous, but then he said he broke off contact with her because it was "only" mc. And that with me is not "just" mc. But I didn't want him to break off contact with her either. He said I can trust him and he doesn't want anything from her and I actually do that too. Only every time they join my laps together again, I get a mixture of sad and angry. Angry with the girl, angry with me and angry with the boy too.

It still kind of wears me down. And I'm afraid that someone will take it away from me. Every time I could just start crying in despair. I don't know how to deal with it, because they "only" play with each other. I think I'm exaggerating completely or how do you see it? Is there anything that can be done about this jealousy? Or does something help that you are no longer so jealous?

Sorry, I just can't be brief…


Jealousy is a passion that eagerly seeks what is passion.


So I don't want to paint the devil on the wall but if he visibly ignores your feelings I would leave it all and not worry about someone you haven't even seen.

Of course, it is also part of giving the other space, but that is no justification for ignoring your wishes and feelings.

So don't stick to the guy for no reason - he doesn't give you any reason in my eyes. Lots of guys can talk nicely. Only at least they show it with their deeds and he certainly won't do that.


The situation is awkward and unnatural because you haven't met yet. This means that there's not that big a difference between just mc and your virtual contact.

You should really meet up if it's just for walking and talking.

Are you people at risk or do you have people at risk at home? Then of course it's laudable.

Otherwise, for example, l'amour is still going on here in Geneva, although we have semi-confinement, i.e. Half-lockdown on "German".