Is the price-performance ratio of this laptop good and would Minecraft run reasonably on it?

Is the price-performance ratio of this laptop good and would Minecraft run reasonably on it

Because of Minecraft: it doesn't have to be in the highest settings, I can also live with a few chunks, etc. I would just like to know if you could play that on it with some fluidity and maybe also be in Discord-Voice, without the laptop being completely overwhelmed. I would appreciate a few answers / opinions.


Minecraft manages the laptop easily. Most games run fine on it.


Would definitely be enough for about 200-300 fps. With shaders you would still be able to play smoothly with about 60 fps


A desktop PC always has a better price-performance ratio. Minecraft runs on almost every computer.


Stupid question. Yes, and fine too, but if you're only interested in Minecraft, I wouldn't be spending that much money. A 4 to 500 euro laptop is enough.


No. For the money you get notebooks with the much better RTX 2060. The hardware is sufficient for Minecraft, but there are much cheaper offers.


Is there anything you can recommend?


Acer Nitro 5, that's pretty much the cheapest. There are different versions. Do you have to click your way through? It is important that it also has 16 GB of RAM.


The offers of this model that I found with 16 GB of RAM are all well over 1000 euro. Do you mean that or are there cheaper ones with 16 GB of RAM?


But the part only comes with Linux…


Then there are just 15 euro for Windows. The installation is now no more difficult than installing any program.

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