Minecraft I can't log in, steam can't either but surf in the browser and watch videos on youtube, huh? What could be the reason?
Windows IP address settings. It should be set to "auto" by default.
Yes but 15min ago. If everything was still possible, that is now suddenly the case without having adjusted anything.
Restart the computer.
Repair applications with file repair.
Restart the router. If that doesn't work, take the router off the power for a minute and then plug it in again.
It is possible that you did not receive an IPv4 address from the provider. Google and YouTube can also be reached via IPv6. On Steam and co. I'm not sure
This can be checked via https://www.wieistmeineip.de/. If an IPv4 address or IPv4 and IPv6 is displayed there, everything should work fine.
If I were you, I would just restart the router. If that doesn't work and the problem occurs on several computers, I would call the Internet provider.