Fortnite (PC): Mouse lay now and then?


I'm trying to play a lot of Fortnite lately to get better. But since I have the following problem, it annoys me extremely to gamble on: So, I play Fortnite since Season 5. The first 1-2 weeks everything went well, but then the mouse began to jerk every now and then. That means I could still go, but my player did not go in the direction and everything was okay. Then after another 1-2 weeks this was over again and I was overjoyed. Then the shock: Season 6 came and it started to jerk again. From season 6 it has started to jerk again. (My mouse is actually not bad and jerky synonymous only with Fortnite, not in other games such as Minecraft, etc.) I have tried everything: All the background programs closed, graphics down, full screen synonymous, etc. But nothing worked. I hope someone can help me now, because I finally want to play WITHOUT mouse pads.


Did not know that a mouse can jerk.


This is far from being "everything tasted".

> See if all your drivers are up to date.

> See if you did all the windows updates

> Lend a mouse from a buddy and see if the same problem occurs

> Plug the USB port into another USB port on the PC.

And even that would not be "everything" yet.


Do you think it lies as in the video at 15FPS? (Just as an example)