How do I get 800 FPS?


I play Minecraft a lot and the highest FPS number I can get is 200. I know Youtubers who somehow have 800 to 1000 FPS all the time. How is that possible?

PS: I have a DELL XPS PC.


Your last sentence is most likely (even if I've never played minecraft) the answer.
You only have one Dell XPS XY


Achieving mathematically and actually being able to present it are two completely different things.


What kind of graphics card do you have? 200fps are completely sufficient, as your monitor can only display a maximum of 75-144 anyway


In general, it can't be said that the monitor has a maximum of 144Hz


I have an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Super


Buy a better PC.

Apart from that, 800FPS is just a waste of electricity. There's no 800Hz monitor. You probably gamble with a 60Hz monitor anyway, so even the 200FPS doesn't really make much sense.


My monitor has 144 Hz.


Oh well. Most content creators have gpus that cost 5 times as much.


Then why 800 FPS?


Yes, I just wanted to say that 800fps and 200fps are no different for us


Well then the 200fps are way over it


It is unnecessary to have so many FPS, as your graphics card and screen only reproduce them at the maximum refresh rate of probably 60-144Hz, the human eye no longer perceives any real difference from more than 60 FPS and you can see the difference of 200 or 800 FPS you won't notice, but here is a little guide on how to get the maximum FPS number out:

Update the graphics driver and restart the PC
Allocate more RAM to Minecraft
Use Minecraft OptiFine
do not let any performance-hungry programs run in the background
Set the Renderdistance / Chunks to a very low number in the graphics settings
Switch off V-Sync in the graphics settings
Switch FPS to "unlimited" in the graphics settings
In the graphics settings, switch graphics to "fast" / fast
Turn off Smooth FPS
Turn off the shader
Use a maximum of one 16x texturepack

Doesn't look so nice then, but that's the way to get the most FPS in Minecraft, so you'll pretty much get the 800 FPS you want, depending on your specs ;-)