Minecraft Server with Sevtech Ages on Linux?

- in Mods

I want to start a Minecraft server with the modpack "Sevtech Ages". I would like to rent a "normal" Linux server (MUCH lower price compared to pre-modded Minecraft servers). I find videos on how to get a vanilla server on linux and videos on how to load a modpack on Windows.
On the server I will only have access through the Linux console.
How can I only start a "Sevtech Ages" server via the linux console?


First you install Java 8.

Then you run the forge installer.

Execute the forge file and accept the Eula.

Create a start.sh with the following data:

#! / Bin / bash
cd / opt / minecraft / && java -Xms1024M -Xmx2000M -jar /opt/minecraft/forge-1.12.2- nogui

Make file executable.

About screen start.sh run, then everything should go


MUCH lower price compared to pre-modded minecraft servers

Who says that? Send me your hoster.


I also looked. For example, ZapHosting 25 euro (8GB, limited slots) vs Strato Linux V40 17 euro (12GB, 6vCores, unlimited)


Zap hosting is also expensive.

In addition, the strato vps are not suitable for gameserver, i.a. Because of the CPU.

For example, https://billing.humbleservers.com/cart.php?gid=2 would be cheap, as you pay per quarter you have to pay attention


Well priced are quite good. Then he should probably look around there. So 6 to 8 cores should actually be enough. Are Xeons


Minecraft is single-core-heavy, because several cores do not bring you much. You only need good single core performance. The servers without mods run almost only on one kernel. With modpack can be distributed a bit better, depends on the mods


Thanks, I'll try it.