Start Minecraft Forge server via HTML file and exit?

- in Mods

I privately host a small Minecraft Forge server on Windows in the home network. But every time one of the admins adds or takes down a mod, they have to reboot the server and access the server physically or via VNC (Windows 7). Is there a way to realize the whole thing via HTML website (if PHP is used, please explain!) Or via text chat (Discord)? To start the server, a batch file must be executed.


Make the server in a loop.

@echo off
: loop
echo Starting Server
java -Xmx8G -jar forge.jar nogui
echo server stopped, restarting in 10sec (kill by CTRL + C)
timeout 10
goto loop

Then people just have to enter InGame "/ stop" and the server restarts (even in a crash)


Thanks, that's awesome!