How to upgrade your computer?

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I don't have the best pc.

Just tried to play the flight simulator DCS… 1 FPS

Or enlisted on a graphics setting that you can still see what 20 FPS

I can't play all those games. Smaller games such as BrickRigs or 2D games are of course okay, I can even play Minecraft with shaders and mods at 55 FPS. Which I'm satisfied with, but I would also like to be able to play games like GTA5, DCS… Normal.

What is more worthwhile (also in terms of price), which improvements would you recommend or a new PC right away?

My components (can provide more information on request):

Operating system: Windows 10 64x

Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050

Processor: Intel (R) Core (TM) i5-8400 CPU 2.80GHz



Definitely upgrade the graphics card and upgrade to 16GB RAM. The CPU is still quite good, although not the best for multitasking, if not bad.


Actually everything is ok, have you installed all the graphics drivers?


Is that in the system settings? If so, everything should be the latest but I can check again Thank you!


Do you have a few products that fit in the price-performance ratio? Just to put me on a track which companies are recommended


This RAM is very good but has no fair lighting.

Graphics cards are hard to recommend right now, if you're lucky you can get a GTX 1080ti for 600 or a GTX 1080 for 400-500 euro.

You can forget about ray tracing, but the performance is better than with the cheapest RTX graphics cards that start at 400 euro.

In that case, however, prepare yourself for the fact that you will have to upgrade again in the next few years.