AMD FX8300 PC upgrade?


I bought a PC in 2016 that was on offer at that time (400 euro) despite bad reviews. All in all, he really did his job (Minecraft, Rocket League, Adobe programs)! Slowly I have the feeling I need something different / new / upgrade because I use him extremely much and the games and programs are demanding.

Installed: Biostar A960D + V2 motherboard, AMD FX 8300, GTX 1060 3GB, 16GB DDR 3 RAM, 500W BeQuiet power supply, 1TB HDD

[TO MY QUESTIONS] [Budget 500-1000 euro]

1. Worth to rebuild / upgrade is called motherboard, RAM, processor (should I synonymous hard disk, graphics card, power supply exchange Yes / No) (depending on the upgrade requirements).

2. If yes, what processor and other hardware can currently be installed for this money and on the Zunkuft good?


To upgrade the part is no longer suitable. The question would be whether you want a finished pc again, or maybe this time you want to build it yourself?


Hmm put together would be an idea because I could theoretically reuse parts from the PC at. MSI Z370 A Pro, i9 9900k, 16GB DDR4 Ram? Unfortunately, I have no idea how it all software then runs technically if I, for example. Would use the old disk?


I would upgrade a ryzen 5 2600 on a msi b450m mortar along with 16gb gskill aegis 3000mhz. I would also recommend an SSD for your operating system.


Would it be possible synonymous equal to a Ryzen 7 1700 or 2700X, etc. One of the 7 Series to use the future technically seems to me the 5 not very useful or I see that wrong?


Well, except for hard drive, power supply and housing you can basically exchange everything. A graphics card with only 3GB VRAM is not really up-to-date anymore but since you already have them you can continue to use them until it is really too weak. Replacing the AMD FX is a good idea. Currently an AMD Ryzen 2600 offers a good price / performance ratio. Au then a motherboard with B450 chipset and 16 GB DDR4 RAM with 3000MHz or more.

If you do not have an SSD you should definitely add one to your hard drive. 250GB you get practically thrown behind and even 500GB or 1000GB are affordable.

If you are already on the upgrade and want to replace the graphics card also would probably be a Gtx - 1660 ti quite attractive


As asked below with Ryzen 5 2600 would it make sense to use a processor of the 7 series or would not the price performance technically / for the future be so interesting?


It would be more interesting to wait for the Ryzen 3000s. Since these should come with higher clock speed and much better performance. But even if the ryzen 7 2XXX 2 cores has more in games does not make the huge difference than the extra cost.


You can also take a 2700 and overclock or buy a 2700x. It depends on your budget…

You can also wait one to two months for the new ryzen we already know a model will beat the i9 9900k.


If 2 people say that, then thank you so many


If 2 people say that, then thank you so much


Hey there's a question if I AMD Ryzen 7 3800 so the new comes out and, for example. The MSI B450 Pro Carbon AC and 16 GB Ram DDR4 3000 MHz hole do I need then at 500 watts a new power supply that has a little more power or would that be enough? And would I have to exchange something else except RAM main processor?


It still depends on which graphics card you combine that. But 500W should be enough.


Have the beginning of 1060 3GB the, which is installed and then just aufstocken on puhh GTX 1660 Ti or GTX 1070, GTX 1080 depending on the then depends on the budget if the processor is out. What motherboard costs and the RAM. The RAM is there price or performance differences Favorable = Bad or would you there vll ne recommendation


He should have 3000MHz or more. Otherwise, expensive RAM is only slightly better than cheaper (the better latencies make little)