What is a Minecraft Port Scanner?


I have downloaded the Hack Client Liquidbounce and ask myself what the port scanner can do.


Already inferior to hack


I do not hack with the client I got it for experimental reasons like my friend annoying my server.


Yes of course


Cool that you helped me with my problem. Great thank you!


I do not help people who hack in video games.


I have been playing with a hack client for some time now and am afraid that my account will be blocked and that I will never be able to play MC again.


Hm I just thought on the server of your friends?


Boy do you ever read my question just because I play with a Hackclient for some time does not mean that I use it on servers like gomme. I only use the Hackclients to annoy MY friends on MY server. My only question was what a port scanner is.


I meant that I'm afraid if Mojang forbids playing with Hack clients and so my account is blocked


Have a look on YOUTUBE after the Bungeecord Exploit?


What is a port scanner I do not want to know what a bungeecord is exploding


Do you know that already? That hangs together


I heard that one server can be found by a server finder. So there's the sausage client. But I have Liquidbounce and a port scanner is the same as a serverfinder.


No, you have a bungee cord, with the port scanner you can raussuchen all subserver / other server on this server


Ok thanks you know if there's a server finder at LiquidBounce


Do you have to watch, do not know any free clients


If you want to know that, I recommend you to read the EULA, which you agreed to by the way.


Every server uses a port (Websites use 80, The default one for minecraft is 25565), if you have Bungeecord you can connect multiple Servers wich run on different Ports. For example Server1 runs on 25560 and Server2 on 25561. The Bungeecord Server can then run on 25565, so when you connect to your server you actually connect to the Bungee Server. This server will then redirect you to one of the other Servers. You can then switch Servers with '/server TheServerYouWantToConnectTo'. The Thing is, that those Servers are usually cracked (that means, that the Server won't ask Mojang if your account is authenticated), but when you connect via the Bungeecord Server, it does check if the account is authenticated. (So you can't use cracked accounts if you connect to Bungee). A port scan then pings every port and checks if a minecraft server uses that port, that way you find out what the direct ports of those servers are. In our example, that would be 25560 (Server1) and 25561 (Server2). When you then directly connect to those Servers you can use cracked accounts or spoof your UUID and Username to that of the owner, so you have op on that server.