Is port release dangerous?

- in Servers

I want to run a Minecraft server on my PC, but so that others can join I have to release my port. Is this dangerous? And what do I have to pay attention to. A friend of mine runs a server over his PC and says nothing bad could happen and my dad does not allow me to release a port. Who is right?


This is dangerous to the extent that others can more easily access your PC. But you can make certain arrangements:

• firewall

• Encryption over the port


I would personally agree with your father. Opening a port outside via the Rooter has some security holes.

This wants your father (he should know a little about infrastructure and networks) certainly not, since it has come to many known servers to hacker attacks.

Imagine your IP like a house number: Someone stranger wants the IP from your server (similar to your address) to play with you.

Between your room and the person is a locked door (the port).

So that he can come in, you first have to give him the key (port release).

Then he can do everything in your room (internal network) what he wants and you have to watch him eating a greasy burger in your bed (the devices like a smartphone, TV, computer, etc) and soiling your bed.

You certainly do not want to let strangers into your room without any security. That's why normally no ports are opened.

I could now go further into the matter (keyword: subnets), but that would go beyond the scope.

If you really want to play with players on your own Minecraft server, buy a cheap server on or other hosting sites.

Then you do not need to release any ports and put your network in danger.

I hope I could help you, even if that was probably not the answer you wanted to hear and I hope I expressed that understandably.


It is not dangerous to unlock a port… You only release port 25565 specifically on your computer, behind which a server software sits…

Nothing can happen here!

The answer of MeisterGuenther is in my opinion incomprehensible, since the firewall in your PC behind a router does not matter and there's no encryption for ports!

the data may be encrypted by mc, but that is completely irrelevant in such trivial matters anyway!

So in the sum no, port forwarding is not dangerous if you stay in the range of 25565 TCP / UDP.

You have to stop while hosting someone else to give your IP, but that's not so bad / dangerous…

So if it's below friends there's no problem!


What brings you a firewall if you unlock ports?

There's no encryption for ports and if it would not bring more security because it is open…

But otherwise it is actually quite safe to open ports in the 25565 range on a specific machine, since yes behind the port and a server software sietzt the requests trades



I would rather put it this way:

If you (Router) send a question, he also expects an answer and lets it through.

If you get an answer without you having sent a question, it will be blocked.

So far so good

Port forwarding does nothing else, but when you get a request that you have not sent, this is also forwarded to the PC.

Not more! At first nothing is dangerous. The PC or the server software on the PC then decides again whether and what it answers!


Sorry, maybe I have mispronounced the encryption of ports, because now I'm not the expert. I meant to change the port and not to use the standard port


Thanks, So that means I can release the 25565 port and nothing bad happens, so I mean that not everyone can access my PC.


I agree with Play4Lif3. Personally, it would be too dangerous, so I would not necessarily do that if I do not know and can hedge the whole thing.

Renting a MC server is not really expensive. On the one hand you can use the MC's own benefit (MCRealm) or you rent one at Nintrado, MCHost, etc. Or you rent a V-server.

Depends on what you want to do everything on it I think it costs 5-10 euro (or more if you need more power, but I do not think so.

You also need to keep in mind that as long as your PC is not running the server is off too. Say your PC must possibly always running. The electricity bills are then a bit more expensive. Further, such a server pulls power that you then lack in your game. Should you still have an UltraGamingPC this could significantly worsen your gaming experience


And what about the firewall? A firewall behind a router is completely (…) pointless…


Anyone can access the port that yes, but he does not get any data through the port just a Minecraft MAP anymore…

But everyone who visited the port or has your IP gets this data…