G-Portal vs Nitrado?

- in Servers

I'm doing a Minecraft server with FTB infinity evolved with some friends.

We're now considering whether to buy it at Nitrado or G Portal.

Can you please write which servers are better (require 6GB RAM) or where you have better experience.


So the best I recommend you Nitrado. I've been a regular customer there for over 10 years. The prices are fair and so is the service. I myself have often provided numerous game servers at Nitrado (without owning the game). With Nitrado you can add plugins and admin rights or mod rights, for example. Nowadays I use Nitrado more as a game server for Steam. E.g. Half Life or Counter Strike. Very rarely Gta San Andreas. If you want more GB of Ram available, then Nitrado is just the thing. But be careful: Depending on how many slots you use and GB Rams, the prices can vary.


Nitrado is extremely expensive and you can get the service much cheaper elsewhere.

I don't know G-Portal.
EDIT: Also very expensive and no information on hardware used or approved for you

With your own Linux system, you are almost always the cheapest (of course, installation effort and possibly a little more inflexible).

Depending on what you really need in terms of performance (RAM will be the minor problem), you can see whether it works on my dedi.
I don't expect miracles from the CPU. But for most of it it is still enough.

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