Show SSH - Screen Output?

- in Servers

Here's another problem with Screen:

I'm developing a server manager and watching "Minecraft". I can my program now use the server console of Minecraft, and now wants the output of which is displayed in a screen created in my "console window".

The code is this:

consoleWindow.AppendText (client.RunCommand ( "/ usr / bin / screen -S server -p 0 -X stuff '" + consoleCommand.Text + "\ r"') Result + Environment.NewLine Environment.NewLine +.);

Unfortunately it does not show the result anymore. Now I wanted to know if there's a possibility to "represent" the output of a scene differently.

I can use SSH commands with my program.


Whose answer works would load in the credits. If the need for it were there


Why execute commands. Just boot the server directly.

Console is ugly.


Yeah sure, but there will certainly be some users who also want to use the console for purposes that may not yet exist in the program or it makes no sense to install them.

But the "problem" is already solved theoretically. I will post the solution that worked here.


Yes. Then you can pass the console internally. Where is the problem?

The point is that it is very unpleasant to control a server with external commands