Minecraft just for little boys?

- in Servers

Following situation:

I'm 16 and will soon be 17 years old. I've always loved to play. League, Overwatch, CSGO.

Now I went to Minecraft for the good old times, was a bit in survival mode and looked at all the servers (Mineplex, Hive). At that very moment my mother came into my room and her first sentence was: "I'm getting really worried, that's something for little boys…"

I would be interested if you would agree with this statement.


Of course not. Most (large) server owners are no longer 13-year-old children, but mostly young adults… Not to mention most "professionals"


It depends on what you do in this game and above all how you behave. If you see other players e.g. Disrupted by cheating on servers, this is a very childish behavior. But if you deal with the whole and learn programming, network technology, IT security or the like (which you can do wonderfully with your own networks / servers), then this is definitely not childish behavior. So the company Hypixel Studios with several full-time employees is not childish either.


She just doesn't know that Minecraft enables more things than real life. There's nothing you can't do in Minecraft. Programming in Minecraft and knowing commands is not for little boys at all. Tell her that Minecraft is for successful people compared to the other games. Just because other games are more brutal doesn't mean they're for older people.


Nonsense. I'm 21 years old and play. Still like Minecraft. At home on the Xbox One and on the go on my cell phone (since it is Bedrock I play a world in realm on different systems) - I play a lot more with friends who are max 2 years younger, the game is also a chic game for adults. There are other adult games, although they are primarily intended for children, such as Tracks (a wooden train game) or Kingdom Hearts 1, 2 and III.

You can show my mother your answer, yes, maybe she will understand.

Don't gamble minecraft often? He's not been young for a long time. He is even a better example than I'm.


I'm 17 and only play minecraft on my PC. I think you can't say Minecraft is for little boys because you can play the game in a variety of ways. Minecraft is also something for little boys, but that doesn't mean that older people shouldn't play it. I e.g. I specialized in command and redstone, where you have to understand how things work, how to create new things in the game, etc. If you work with command blocks, you even learn a bit of computer science in a way, which I hope will be useful later, because later I want to program games myself. Logical thinking is also trained, as well as with redstone, with which some people are even able to build complete, functional computers! (Of course without internet connection! XD)