So if you start a Minecraft with SEUS Ultra Shader on Current NASA PC for Spaceship, what is the maximum FPS you could achieve?
You would get less FPS if Minecraft started on the systems at all.
I bet Nasa PCs won't run Windows or Linux. Then Minecraft can't be started either.
Less FPS than you think, because NASA's technology is not optimized or intended for something like that. Difficult to say how many FPS that would be. Since NASA's computers are for arithmetic operations, not for displaying complex graphics like in video games. Not to mention that there probably won't be Windows or Linux running there either. So it's definitely not a Minecraft.
What do you mean by NASA PC for spaceship?
So Windows and Linux run on the PCs (personal computers) of the authority - depending on where - these are "normal" PCs (you need something like that at NASA too).
… For spaceship?
Depending on which one you mean, there are no PCs as such, these are computers whose hardware and software are adapted to their respective tasks. Nothing else runs on them.
(Although there are already PCs on the ISS… They are needed for the experiments, for example)
bro, nasa pc its make for calculating, storage, not for play games…