Increase GTX 1080Ti - What would be best?

- in Textures

I would like to replenish my GPU from my 1080Ti. Especially since I like to play games like Minecraft with good texture packs and shaders. Since my 1080Ti but at the most creates 30FPS, this is in my opinion too little and I have considered what I could upgrade the best.
I prefer the choice of a Titan X or RTX 2080Ti, the latter would probably be better in my opinion. Although a GB of RAM is missing, but the model is much better and also has RT.
To my rough question: Is worth a RTX 2080Ti Custom of Aorus? Are the differences to the 1080Ti at a resolution of e.g. Huge 3440x1440p? What are the FPS at 4K Gaming?


Would take the RTX 2080TI. Raytracing is now slowly arriving in Minecraft.

Difference should already be clearly noticeable.


Yes, of course it's worth it if 40 instead of 30 FPS are a worthwhile increase for you.


Except for the RTX 2080Ti nothing remains, but you will not have much more FPS.