I have an RTX 3080 and an i9 9900k and still Minecraft only runs with 70 fps. I've only had this problem in Minecraft and have tried quite a bit but couldn't find anything on the internet. Hope someone can help me.
Do you have any difficult texture packs active?
I should know what
How much ram you have
Do you play MC with mods etc?
Can you try other games?
What version of Minecraft are you playing? Java or Windows 10?
With the right settings and texture packs, you can bring an RTX 3090 to 3fps
32gb Ram only with Optifine. I have no problem with other games
No only Optifine but no Tp
1.16.5 Windows 10 Optifine only, no shader or texture pack
How much RAM have you allocated to your version?
And have you raised your maximum FPS in the graphics settings?
You don't happen to have a 70Hz monitor, do you?
16GB RAM allocated and superscript to max FPS
MInecraft also uses 14GB RAM but only 10 percent of the GPU load
No 165Hz 1440p but my 2nd monitor has 70 hz
That means you also replaced this 2G with 16G?
See screenshot:
I guess you set the maximum fps to unlimited? And VSync on?
Yes, I tried it with less ram but it didn't help
What changes if you turn off VSync?
Then all I can think of is to let NVIDIA Geforce Experience set Minecraft in case something strange is wrong. Or take out Optifine and try again. Otherwise I'm at a loss
I've already tried everything but thanks anyway
Bruh, then I don't know what to do next. But 70FPS is fine too. It shouldn't lag, even if your GPU has more in it. I can't solve your problem that easily either
Ok that shouldn't be the problem. When it comes to other games. I'm overwhelmed
Windows 10 and Obtifine? Isn't that only available on Java?