Minecraft FPS so little? Why?

- in Launchers

Wanted to ask why I have so little FPS in Minecraft even though my PC is not bad? Here shader and without picture.

I entered this in the launcher: -Xmx8G -XX: + UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX: + UseG1GC -XX: G1NewSizePercent = 20 -XX: G1ReservePercent = 20 -XX: MaxGCPauseMillis = 50 -XX: G1HeapRegionSize = 16M

I have an AMD Ryzen 5 2600

MSI GTX 1070 Gaming X

16 GB DDR4-2666

Minecraft FPS so little Why Minecraft FPS so little Why - 1

Actually I have to have over 100 fps with the shader or not?


Download Optifine


Why do you have to have over 100 FPS? Definitely not with shade.


Are you lost

You can see from the FPS that it has Optifine inside.


Minecraft is all about single-core performance.

Your Ryzen only has 3.4 Ghz per core. He has 6 cores to make up for it, but Minecraft unfortunately only uses one.

50 FPS with shader is pretty good anyway.


Not on the cell phone… Everything is pixelated


Double Lost.

Click on the picture, there's a button on the bottom that says "full size".

I'm on the cell phone myself.


What processor can you recommend? No Intel please.


Intel simply has better single core results. AMD mostly has a lot of cores with rather good single core performance.


Not quite right, as soon as you use a shader, the GPU is more important, and a 1070 should always be enough for normal shaders with min. To run 60Fps.

I myself only have a 1050ti and a 3.6Ghz CPU (so 3.4 are enough), and get in Vanilla / OF 300-600fps on average and with shader 50-100fps in 1.8.9

There seems to be something wrong with the questioner here, just wondering what


Rendering render distance down helps a lot

you can also try other shaders, some are so bent that they eat up performance


It is clear that shaders mainly run not via CPU, but GraKa. Since the questioner has a good GraKa, I didn't think it necessary to address this.

The limiting factor here is the CPU. Because even without a shader (first picture) he only has around 100 FPS.

He plays with Forge, I think that's because. He should do a Vanilla + Optifine test without shader, he'll get 200-300.


Yes, it could actually be up to forge


Don't go with me!


Weeeird. Android?


I play with Forge because I need Optifine and A Map Mod. You can't add mods in Vanilla, can you? Maybe you have a tutorial with the Vanilla


No in vanilla you can probably not install this map mod

Are all drivers up-to-date at all or are they consuming some power in the background?


Drivers should all be up to date I had such software that updated everything