I have constant Fps drops in Minecraft despite Badlion Client and Optifine my Pc parts: intel core i5-6500 cpu @ 3.99GHz
NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1050 Ti
32 GB Ram
my drivers are all up to date what could be the problem?
For example, it could be due to the RAM limitation in Minecraft itself. To cancel this, you can look on YT for "allocate more RAM to minecraft"
I've already tried that, minecraft only takes as much ram as you know it, so not maximum but it consumes
So I run Minecraft with 16GB allocated RAM and then it actually fits quite well. Otherwise you can still try to lower the render distance and turn off V-Sync (if that is on)
I wanted to do that, but I can't find the button for V-Sync
Go to Options -> Video Settings and then right column the second from the top. There's the limit on the frame rate. If you pull the slider all the way to the left, there's no longer a specific FPS number but just V-Sync.