Hi people have a RX5700 from XFX in the 8gb version, in Minecraft I have a maximum of 25 FPS despite bad graphics settings despite with OptiFine, otherwise no mods are installed, in every other game I usually manage at least 100 FPS to 300 FPS, I already have tried almost everything that was said on the internet, I reinstalled the drivers and installed a new chipset for my processor.
Bios hasn't been updated or anything.
My hardware / software
AMD Threadripper 1900x
Aorus X399 Gaming 7
RX5700 XFX 8gb
16gb ram
64Bit Java
Windows 10 Pro 64bit
Latest AMD Radeon drivers and chipset
However, when I start Minecraft 1.16.4 via the Badlion client, I have mostly over 300 FPS, is that probably due to the Minecraft launcher?
Is it going to be fit what kind of demands do you have? Anything over 10 FPS is awesome.
BAC is currently running much better than normal Minecraft.
I have the same problem with my old PC.
Maybe in Tetris.
I got 10 FPS in CSGO Global.
Do you have eye problems now?
Just because I used two ashtrays as glasses I'm not blind
Maybe if you switch from full screen to normal with Alt + Enter? You have already done everything that could be done so just an idea, but don't think it helps.
Otherwise, try a different Minecraft version. Or try starting a new world or playing multiplayer. Is it also 10fps in the menu?
Sleep well 😅
You could try changing the XMX settings.
Start launcher → "Installations" → Select version → On the 3 dots (Settings) → "Edit" → "Click more options" → JVM ARGUMENTS
You can limit your RAM in the XMX settings. By default, RAM is limited to 4GB. You can see if this is set too low for your render distance.
Have you also checked the FPS limit in the graphics settings?
It is the case with many people that people accidentally change this attitude