How many friends are you playing at the same time?


I (13) currently only play with a (online) friend CoD MW since I haven't celebrated Fortnite that much anymore. The rest of my class are only playing Fortnite and Minecraft. At Minecraft, I sometimes play with two friends, but apart from that, only for two CoD.

wanted to know how many friends you play with (at the same time) …

(You can also write age and why you gamble alone, for example)


At 2, best friend.


I like to play with my friends, their friends and so on, we play GTA, WoW or SW Battlefield.


Back in the best time when we gambled we were always either 3 or 4 people… But that was a long time ago… 10 years… I was still 16 and could afford to play computer games… Nice time.

Only in the afternoon in the swimming pool and then in the evening together again in front of the PC…

I miss… But the memory remains! R.I.P school friends and colleagues…


Is very pleasant three, but can also be more. Now and then there are 8 others


I'm currently unable to gamble. At Fortnite, sooner or later I won't be able to move my player anymore and at FIFA19 I always get an EA server disconnect info.