Can I play the following games with these components?

- in Textures

I wanted to ask if I could use these components (picture follows) to play Osu! And can play Minecraft smoothly. Minecraft possibly also with a texture pack and with Labymod or Optifine

Can I play the following games with these components

I definitely don't think so.

With Osu! I don't know my way around but the PC won't be enough for Minecraft. Especially not with texture pack.

I'm sorry, but save a little more because this PC won't do much.


The Athlon 300U just manages

in Minecraft.

How much should the laptop cost?

There are alternatives from around 400 euro with a Ryzen 5:


Definitely not. How much budget do you have

Recommend you a laptop with a Ryzen 5 3500U, that would be the minimum I would buy.


It's a laptop in case you haven't noticed.


Maybe but it comes down to the same thing.


My father just bought it because the old pc is broken and we actually only read it for CDs, USBs, hard drives and use Word and Excel and a few other things.